Welcome to Year 4!

Below is the timetable for this half term.

PE day is on a Tuesday this half term so please make sure you are wearing PE kit on this day. We will also be continuing to have Yoga every other week on a Thursday. Our Yoga days this half term are 15th and 29th September, and 13th October.

There is an expectation that you read 5 times a week at home.

You have your maths homework to complete, just one page per week. Times Tables are incredibly important in Y4 and we will be doing the Multiplication Check in June. 

You also have a list of 10 spellings to learn for your test the following week. Make sure to login to Spelling Shed at home. 


Below is an overview of the year in Year 4. Take a look and see what we are getting up to. 

Multiplication Tables Check

Make sure you're practicing your times tables often! They help in so many different areas of maths not just multiplication!


This term in History we are learning about the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Have a go at completing a project linked to our topic over the term. We would love to see pictures and examples of your projects!

Forest School

We will be going to the woods as part of Forest School this term. Please make sure that long sleeves and trousers are worn to protect your arms and legs. As the weather gets colder, coats, hats and gloves will be needed too. We will be going no matter what the weather. So wellies are essential!

Below is the list of dates each class will be going:

4C - 15/09, 29/09, 13/10, 03/11, 17/11, 01/12

4BR - 22/09, 06/10/ 20/10, 10/11, 24/11, 08/12