To find out more about each year group, please use the 'Classes' tab on the left hand menu.
The curriculum has been designed to offer a wide range of opportunities and experiences to build confidence and resilience and develop the belief that they can achieve great things and be who they want to be.
Our Maths curriculum is based on the programmes of study within the National Curriculum. The school follows the White Rose schemes of work to ensure progression of skills and knowledge, whilst offering opportunities to develop reasoning, fluency and problem solving.
In English, the school uses a number of different materials to support planning and teaching, with the units of work designed to ensure progression of skills. and knowledge.
Writing - Every class takes part in Big Writing once a week, which is an opportunity for children to write at length for the pleasure of writing.
Reading - There are opportunities weekly for guided reading as well as reading for pleasure, especially in our new, themed library, and the school encourages a positive reading culture through ambassadors, awards and prizes.
We aim to provide a broad scientific curriculum that develops scientific vocabulary and encourages children to ask questions. We encourage children to make careful observations and decisions based on reasons. We aim to ensure that memorable experiences - including practical investigations and trips - take place to broaden knowledge.
Children receive regular science lessons and, where appropriate this is linked to other areas of learning. Science topics may be covered more than once throughout your child's schooling in order to embed their knowledge.
Foundation Subjects
Foundation Subjects are taught as individual subjects. Where ever possible, links are made to the English and Maths curriculum. The school uses visitors and educational visits off-site to enhance pupils' experiences.
All state schools are required to make provision for a daily act of collective worship and they must teach religious education. At Hazelmere, we follow the Essex agreed syllabus for RE, called 'ExploRE'. In KS2 the children are introduced to the six major world faiths (Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism) and Humanism, so, over time, they begin to recognise similarities and differences between religious and beliefs. They develop their ability to distinguish right from wrong and start to consider their own beliefs and values.
Curriculum maps are available on each year group’s home page. They are updated in September each year so that our most recent planning is shown. Please click the links to open each plan.
If you want to find out more about our curriculum, please feel free to contact the school.